Federator.ai GPU Booster’s Support

Federator.ai GPU Booster integrates with popular open-source monitoring services and platforms in Kubernetes, enabling enterprises to quickly adopt this powerful AI-based solution. With full-stack visibility and Just-in-Time Fitted optimization, it enhances the throughput of LLM training and improves GPU efficiency, helping enterprises gain competitive advantages.

Metric Data Sources

Federator.ai GPU Booster integrates with Prometheus for agentless metadata and operational metrics collection via APIs, ensuring data security. It offers workload-pattern-aware insights for efficient GPU resource planning, supporting dynamic and resource-intensive LLM training.

Federator.ai Stack

Federator.ai Stack enables rapid AI/ML training ecosystem development with a comprehensive suite of tools, ensuring that Federator.ai GPU Booster works seamlessly out of the box.

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Federator.ai GPU Booster ®

Maximizing GPU utilization for AI workloads and doubling your server’s training capacity

Federator.ai ®

Simplifying complexity and continuously optimizing cloud costs and performance