VMware Tanzu

Popular Kubernetes Platform for VMs

VMware Tanzu is a platform that enables organizations to build and run modern applications using Kubernetes. Tanzu provides a consistent, secure, and scalable environment for containers and microservices, making it easier to accelerate application development and delivery.

Benefits of Federator.ai employed for Optimization of VMware Tanzu

Managing a large Tanzu deployment can be challenging, especially when it comes to performance and cost optimization. To address this, Federator.ai provides an AI-powered solution for adding application-aware optimization to Tanzu.

Application-aware optimization using Federator.ai in VMware Tanzu setups

Diagram: Application-aware optimization using Federator.ai in VMware Tanzu setups

Multi-layer Visibility and Optimization

Multi-layer Visibility and Optimization

Federator.ai leverages the collected operational metadata from the multi-layer infrastructure operations to provide ongoing just-in-time recommendations for optimized resource orchestration based on its AI-powered workload predictions.

Resource Utilization and Costs Improvement

Federator.ai's application-aware resource orchestration auto-scales container resources based on real-time application demands. It identifies workload patterns and suggests the most cost-effective combination of instance types and numbers for operations, which improves resource utilization, eliminates over-provisioning, reduces costs, and promotes environmentally sustainable operations.

Performance Assurance and Resilience

Federator.ai uses its patented cascade causal analysis to identify intricate correlations between hardware/cloud resources, Kubernetes layers (cluster, node, pod), and applications. This allows for an efficient allocation of resources to mission-critical applications, ensuring smooth performance and resilience while minimizing resource usage.

Policy-compliant Automation

Policy-compliant Automation

Federator.ai's operation optimization is a continuous virtuous circle powered by automation. It begins with a precise interpretation of operational metadata and accurate prediction of application workloads, followed by prescriptive recommendations of well-fitted resources - all done automatically after setting. Additionally, users can access Federator.ai's resource orchestration script for optimization with compliance with company policies.

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Simplifying complexity and continuously optimizing cloud costs and performance