Unlocking the Power of Operation Metadata with Prometheus and Federator.ai: Easy and Efficient Predictive Analytics, Autoscaling, and Cost Management


Organizations in today’s fast-paced world require a tool to manage and optimize their IT systems. Prometheus and ProphetStor’s Federator.ai have effectively managed organizations’ current IT/Cloud operations. Prometheus and Federator.ai work together to provide predictive and prescriptive analytics, application insight, autoscaling, and cost management. This white paper shows how these tools can improve IT system management.


Businesses in today’s digital world are constantly looking for better ways to manage their IT systems. However, managing IT/Cloud operations requires massive amounts of operation metadata. Prometheus and ProphetStor’s Federator.ai can help in this situation. Prometheus is a time-series database and open-source monitoring system that collects metrics and generates alerts in cloud-native configurations. Federator.ai provides predictive and prescriptive analytics for application insights, auto-scaling, and cost management. Federator.ai recognizes trends, forecasts performance, and provides data-driven recommendations. It gathers and analyzes current and historical data from various sources, including Prometheus.
Figure 1 Tuning the Operation Metadata into Optimized Operation Directives
Figure 1 Tuning the Operation Metadata into Optimized Operation Directives

Prometheus and Federator.ai: Easy Integration

The following figure 2 shows how simple it is for Federator.ai to connect to Prometheus as a data source. URL to Prometheus service is required, but the token is optional for authentication. Specify if you are using Federation, a group of Prometheus servers that send metrics to a centralized Prometheus server. In addition, users can specify historical data to be collected. It can significantly shorten the time-to-value. Once the connection is made, users can enjoy the integrated solution’s benefits.
Figure 2 Using ProphetStor's Federator.ai to connect to Prometheus
Figure 2 Using ProphetStor's Federator.ai to connect to Prometheus

In cloud-native environments, Prometheus and Federator.ai can monitor and analyze application performance. While Prometheus collects real-time metrics from multiple sources, Federator.ai analyzes collected metrics. By integrating these two solutions, users can better understand their applications. Federator.ai identifies patterns and root causes through multi-layer correlation and causality analysis. Moreover, Federator.ai can leverage Prometheus’ collected operation metadata to improve its data analysis.

Federator.ai offers predictive and prescriptive analytics to help with application insight, autoscaling, and cost management. By utilizing the collected metadata, Federator.ai can improve forecasts and recommendations. In addition, Federator.ai can pinpoint the app component that is causing the CPU spike, which can be used to boost application performance. Furthermore, Federator.ai can detect application issues that may be overlooked by a single metric. For example, if a microservice is causing a bottleneck that slows down the service, Federator.ai can recommend scaling that microservice to improve performance.

ProphetStor’s Federator.ai improves predictive and prescriptive analytics through multi-layer correlation and causality analysis. This approach involves examining data from various layers, including the application, middleware, host, and network layers. By correlating and analyzing data from all tiers, Federator.ai can identify performance and cost issues and generate more precise improvement recommendations.

Multi-layer correlation and causality analysis use both structured and unstructured data to uncover linkages within the infrastructure stack. For instance, Federator.ai can detect application performance constraints by comparing application performance measurements with host resource usage data. By discovering these correlations, Federator.ai can optimize the infrastructure and improve application performance.

Figure 3 The Application Correlation page shows the resource usage correlation between controllers and the primary workload metric of an application
Figure 3 The Application Correlation page shows the resource usage correlation between controllers and the primary workload metric of an application

Federator.ai’s Autoscaling, Application Analysis, and Cost Management

Prometheus and ProphetStor’s Federator.ai provide advanced auto-scaling technologies that automatically optimize application performance at a low cost. The autoscaling feature ensures the application has adequate resources to handle the current load, which helps to cut down on costs and prevent over-provisioning. In addition, organizations can handle traffic spikes with autoscaling without experiencing downtime, leading to increased revenue and user satisfaction.

Traditionally, resources have been allocated based on the current local CPU usage. Federator.ai employs a scientific and optimized ML-enabled solution to solve these problems more efficiently and effectively. By understanding how an application operates and how its actions relate to its microservices bottlenecks can be identified and resolved, and performance can be improved. ProphetStor’s Federator.ai and Prometheus work together to enable rapid autoscaling and application performance monitoring, facilitating data-driven decisions for improving operations.

Federator.ai’s autoscaling solution is unique in that it considers the application workload and its predictions, in addition to CPU utilization. Furthermore, Federator.ai performs autoscaling scientifically and optimally, utilizing ML-enabled algorithms that incorporate data-driven recommendations. This results in faster decision-making and a significant reduction in uncertainty.

Federator.ai offers several benefits in addition to autoscaling. Application Analysis is one of the most important. Federator.ai enables businesses to monitor application performance in real time and detect any potential issues. The solution can detect bottlenecks and other performance constraints, allowing organizations to quickly and effectively resolve these issues. Federator.ai assists organizations in improving the end-user experience and increasing revenue by providing deeper insights into application performance.

Figure 4 Application Insight showing the Behaviors of Applications and the Resource Usage
Figure 4 Application Insight showing the Behaviors of Applications and the Resource Usage

Another significant advantage of Federator.ai is cost management. The solution provides detailed analytics and insights into the cost of running IT systems, allowing organizations to optimize and cut costs. Federator.ai can identify cost-cutting opportunities, such as underutilized resources or overprovisioned clusters, and make recommendations for improvement. As a result, organizations can save money and improve their bottom line by lowering IT costs.

ProphetStor’s Federator.ai and Prometheus are highly scalable solutions that deal with even the most complex IT environments. Federator.ai’s ability to collect and analyze data in real time from various sources, including Prometheus, allowing organizations to monitor and optimize their IT systems on a massive scale. This is a crucial capability for organizations to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs in today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business environment.

Figure 5 MultiCloud Cost Analysis outlines your estimated cost for doing business with a variety of cloud providers based on fees charged by each provider and recommended changes to your current resource configuration
Figure 5 MultiCloud Cost Analysis outlines your estimated cost for doing business with a variety of cloud providers based on fees charged by each provider and recommended changes to your current resource configuration
Federator.ai offers predictive and prescriptive analytics, autoscaling, application performance monitoring, and cost management. This enables organizations to forecast performance and make data-driven improvement recommendations. Federator.ai can provide highly accurate predictions and recommendations for optimizing IT systems and improving application performance by analyzing historical data and patterns. These analytics are critical for staying ahead of the competition and meeting today’s demanding customers’ needs.


Overall, ProphetStor’s Federator.ai and Prometheus combination provides organizations with robust IT management tools. Organizations can gain a competitive advantage and improve their bottom line by automating and optimizing operations while maintaining resilience. Federator.ai and Prometheus enable organizations to unlock the full potential of their IT systems and achieve their business goals by providing the analytics required to make data-driven decisions.

Connecting to Prometheus with ProphetStor’s Federator.ai is straightforward. Organizations can quickly begin collecting and analyzing data from their IT systems once the connection is established, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that improve performance and reduce costs. Federator.ai and Prometheus make it simple for organizations to reap the benefits of these robust IT management solutions by significantly reducing time-to-value.

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